Brighton Collectibles really knows how to catch a Scottie Mom's eye! I just had to stop in and check out the darling My Flat in London Scottie purse in the window. For the first time, I was briefly tempted to break my rule of never wearing Scottie-printed clothing, accessories, etc. in public. Now, don't get me wrong - kids wearing Scottie clothes is perhaps the most precious thing next to Scotties themselves but I haven't seen much out there for us adults that I'd want to wear in public. And, as much as I adore Scotties, I simply can't see myself taking my Scottie love to the next level by wearing them on my clothes (pajamas excepted, of course!). The only other exception I could see myself allowing for is if that particular Scottie-adorned item also happened to be an exact match to my style...and there really isn't much Scottie clothing out there that fits that category! This purse and some of the other accessories, however, came close and were actually pretty darn cute so I figured I'd share my finds in case there are Scottie Moms out there braver than I to proudly showcase her love for Scots by working it into her wardrobe!
He doesn't worry about breaking fashion rules. He has a sport shirt with a picture of ME that says "Scotties Rule". He has another that says "Adopted by a Scottie" and a picture of ME. He has a T-shirt with a picture of the Rocky Mtns and a picture of ME above the mountains and it says "Scotch on the Rocks". He has no shame of being seen in public with any of this.
ReplyDeleteMy peep gets what you are saying. She has a couple of pairs of Scottie pjs, but no other clothes.
ReplyDeleteBut, she does have a Scottie door stop, toiletries bag and wall hooks...
I understand...the farthest I have gone to express my Scottie love is displaying Scottie salt and pepper shakers in my kitchen....so home decor is currently the best outlet for me! :)
ReplyDeleteI picked up the MFIL color brochure at a Brighton shop with a photo of a Scottie wearing a crown! Adorable! Am loving these products, too.
ReplyDeleteShe was given the shakers. Unclear on the concept-He was surprised to use them and find the salt came out of the black one.
ReplyDeleteMummy has a mousemat with a cartoon version of me on it, so she's heading in the right direction:-)
ReplyDeletehaha, my mom has the same rule about scottie attire!
Okay.....while I strongly support the PJ rule and home decor (lots of it) I have made the exception and ordered the handbag! Turns out it is a very limited edition and there are only 4 (3 now) left for purchase in the home office of Brighton.....should be here in about 2 weeks so will let you know if it was worth the sacrifice!
ReplyDeleteToo cute!
I have a Radley bag and wallet, with very tasteful silver scotties on them. And about 4 pairs of Scottie pj's! :-)
ReplyDeleteWe're ALWAYS looking out for scottie-themed items. :)